  1. Greed

From the recording Greed

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Composition by Nestor Zurita. Nestor Zurita H. All rights reserved ©️ Kayak Records.


(On Greed - After quotes from the Sufi poet Rumi)

Greed makes man blind and foolish,
and makes him an easy prey for death.

If you want money more than anything,
you'll be bought and sold.
If you have a greed for food,
you'll be a loaf of bread.
This is a subtle truth:
Whatever you love, you are.

Greed makes man blind and foolish,
and makes him an easy prey for death.

Whatever possessions and objects of its desires
the lower self may obtain,
it hangs on to them,
refusing to let them go
out of greed for more,
or out of fear of poverty and need.

Greed makes man blind and foolish,
and makes him an easy prey for death.

There are many winds full of anger,
and lust and greed.
They move the rubbish around,
but the solid mountain of our true nature
stays where it's always been.

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Compiled by Augustus Black for a voiceover
on Nestor Zurita's new composition 'Greed' ~ 2020-04-29